5 Reasons Why I love Cassandra Clare……

 So if you know me well you’ll know that my favourite author is Cassandra Clare and now I am aging to tell you why and I’m sure after this you’ll love her too! 

1. The best thing about her is her book endings. Every single book of hers ended PERFECTLY. Amd I know that all Cassandra Clare fans will agree to this! I mean literally TMI had such an epic spending and everyone was satisfied! You felt happy and sad. You felt love and hatred all at the same time. And she is one of the few authors who’s been able to do this and I love her for that.

2. She wrote 2 WHOLE AMAZING SERIES IN ONE WORLD! If you think that isn’t a great accomplishment I don’t know you. And don’t forget to count her new series The Dark Artifices. And I am so happy to say that I have finished 2 of those series and am about to read Lady Midnight.

3. Her characters are all Fabulous. Even her villains are likeable imagine that. There was a challenge on Instagram to choose best villian and yes ofcourse I chose Sebastian. 

4.  Her Plots and story lines are damn good they are PERFECT! TID, if you haven’t read it I seriously don’t know what you’re doing with your life! Go read it guys and then we can talk about her together! Those 3 books they made such an impact on my life ahh……

5. She wrote a second series for TMI only for her fans because we all loved it! This is actually an interesting fact. TMI  was supposed to be only of 3 books but then the fandom grew so much she decided to write 3 more books for only and only us! 

So by now I hope you’ll know why I love Cassandra Clare soooo much! Also please go and read her books guys! She’s AMAZING!!! Yay!!!! Lady Midnight will be arriving soon I am so excited! 

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